The Journey of 1000

   Learning basics. That is one of the most important aspects of Kung Fu training. Without proper guidance and repetition of the basic techniques, we could not perform our self-defense, forms, sparring, and weapons routines. Usually, after the first couple of months, most individuals find basic training drills tedious. They feel confident in their abilities. But see what happens when they do combination techniques such as Block, Kick, and Punch. I don’t know how often I correct students in the basic drilling fist punch while doing self-defense or a form. Why?

   The answer is simple: not enough practice. How often have I said, “Do this 1000 times, and you’ll become good.” Many students look at me as if I’m joking. I’m not. In fact, the number 1000, in Chinese thought, stands for an infinite number beyond human comprehension. Now, that’s a lot of practice! This advice is for all levels, white through black. Even after 44 years of practice, when trouble develops in a series of techniques, I break them down to the basics and practice each one individually before returning to the whole set.

   Continued repetition is necessary because of all the parts of a particular technique. For example, let’s list some of the details of the corkscrew punch: proper fist, held at the waist correctly, touch the side of the body while punching, a full twist after the elbow clears the front of the body, hit with the front two knuckles only, in line with the center of the body, full-extension, shoulder relaxed, hips forward, snap power at the end, chest level, wrist straight, and coordinate all of this with the other hand. As you can see, a lot of different things could go wrong.

   Progress is made in various levels of achievement and basic techniques. Many advanced students can testify that basic training seems more challenging as we improve our techniques’ speed, power, timing, and coordination. Also, we must start to understand the relaxation and tension involved in the basic technique. The body must remain relaxed as we execute the technique, become tense only at the very last instant before the end of the technique, and relax immediately after completion. Sounds easy. Let’s compound that a little by adding that tensing the muscles does not mean in the entire body. Only the muscles necessary for developing the proper power in the technique are used. A drilling fist punch does not use the same muscles as a knife-hand strike.

   Power penetration is the ability to penetrate power into an object, not just on the surface. We start our training in this area by first hitting the bags. Whether using our hands or legs, we must learn proper distancing from the target. Too close, and we push, too far, and we overextend. Next, use a partner holding a bag against their body and see if they can feel the power on the other side. If they did, you are starting to develop power penetration. Don’t forget; we must now learn control. Whether we are doing one basic technique or a series, these pointers must be followed: hitting an object or not, doing self-defense, performing a form, or practicing with weapons. How can you accomplish all this? Practice 1000 times, and you will develop unbelievable skills.